Oracle Application Express Early Adapter

This release brings a suite of new features including Faceted Search, an all-new Team Development, REST-enabled Interactive Grids, enhanced Popup LOV item and expanded Shared LOVs, improved data loading wizard, updated Oracle JET version, a new dark mode for Universal Theme, and a whole lot more!       

Faceted Search

  • A powerful new way to filter and display your data. The faceted search will make it easier for your users to find the data they want.

Expanded Shared LOVs

  • New Data Source support, allowing to define the LOV as either Local, REST Enabled SQL or Web Source.
  • New declarative Column Mappings, allowing to define the LOV display and return columns, and also some new capability including default sort, group and icon columns. Note: Group is currently supported by 'Popup LOV' with multiple columns, and Select List. An icon is currently supported by 'Popup LOV' with multiple columns only.
  • Multiple column support where you can define multiple display columns for the LOV, with additional metadata specifying if the column is displayed, searchable, or requires any format mask
  • Now also supports definition of just a single return column, allowing Shared LOVs to be used by item types or plug-ins that only require a single column (eg Text with Autocomplete)
To benefit from the new features of Shared LOVs, you must either create a new Shared LOV or go into an existing LOV and select 'Convert Legacy SQL'. Then on the LOV edit page, you will see the new functionality available.

Enhanced Popup LOV

  • The built-in popup LOV component will be modernized to allow for dynamic, shared LOVs to include multiple columns and enhanced search capabilities.
Note: For the multiple column support, because of the additional column metadata required by the Popup LOV, you must use a Shared Component LOV and define the additional column metadata there. Inline LOVs only allow display of single columns in the Popup.

New Team Development

Team Development has been reimagined to provide a simple and straight forward way for your APEX team to communicate. By tracking everything in a single place as an Issue, Team Development allows users to assign others, apply classifications using Label Groups and Labels, track progress by assigning Milestones, link issues to an Application and Page and view the full historic timeline of events.
A new notification system allows individual users to register their interest in specific issues and define at a general level what attributes they’re interested in watching. They can also choose whether they wish to be notified in the application, via email, or both.
A full complement of utilities allows Workspace Administrators to manage files, reassignments, reparenting, user notification preferences, and much more.

REST Enabled Interactive Grid

  • The built-in support for REST Enabled SQL and Web Sources will be extended to Interactive Grids and allow read and write access to remote data sources.

Data Loading into Existing Tables

  • The data upload functionality in SQL Workshop will be extended to allow uploading native Excel, CSV, XML and JSON documents into existing tables.

Oracle JET and jQuery Library Upgrades

  • JET 7.2.0
  • jQuery 3.4.1
  • jQuery UI 1.12.1


  • Interactive Report supports Oracle Text indexes. If an Oracle Text Index Column is chosen, Interactive Report row searches will benefit from advanced searching capabilities like fuzzy or linguistic search.
  • Interactive Report, Interactive Grid and Popup LOV searches can be passed to a REST service. Enable the Use for Row Search switch for a Web Source Module parameter in order to use this feature.
  • SQL Workshop Data Loading and the APEX_DATA_PARSER package support up to 20 CLOB columns.
  • Developer Toolbar allows setting the Default Debug Level and remembers the debug level when run again from the builder.
